January 30, 2012 in Art | Comments (0)
Tags: Bill Morrison, Jóhann Jóhannsson, The Miners' Hymms, The Wordless Music Orchestra, Winter Garden

Miners' Hymm /Photo: Bill Morrison
Who says you get what you pay for? If you are looking for something really special to do, consider the salute to New York-based artist and filmmaker Bill Morrison which will be held, for free, at the Winter Garden of the World Financial Center.
Not only will you be enthralled by the silent films of Morrison from January 31st through February 3rd, but the first and last films will be accompanied with the performance of live music.
This series of screenings will examine a selection of some of Morrison’s major works which were all done in collaboration with some of today’s most exceptional new-music composers.
On January 31st ‘The Miners’ Hymms,’ Morrison’s paean to the coal mining culture of northeastern England, will be accompanied by a brass-filled score by the renown electronic composer hailing from Iceland, Jóhann Jóhannsson. Performing the piece will be The Wordless Music Orchestra.
All the films in the series will begin at 7:30pm, and are free of charge. This program is probably one of New York’s most “worth-it” events, a great experience at no cost. Run, don’t walk!
January 2, 2012 in Culture and History | Comments (0)
Tags: Chinese New Year, New York Chinese Cultural Center, Winter Garden, World Financial Center, Year of the Dragon

Shaolin Kung Fu
This year’s celebration of the Chinese New Year coincides with the 100th anniversary of the founding of modern China. According to one opinion this year marks the 4709th year since the adoption of the Chinese calendar, and beginning on January 23rd, 2012, it is the year of the dragon. (Many hold that since the Chinese calendar is cyclical it is not relevant to give a number to the years that are passing.)
No matter which version of the Chinese calendar you adhere to, there is no question that the Chinese New Year is the most important holiday in the

Year of the Dragon
traditional Chinese calendar, and is celebrated with great joy. The New York Chinese Cultural Center invites everyone to celebrate the coming year of the dragon on January 28th, 2012, from 1pm until 4pm at the Winter Garden in the World Financial Center.
This celebration will be the biggest of its kind on the entire East Coast. To make this day even more special, for the first time in history there will be an indoor family cultural day event on the Chinese New Year for all New Yorkers to share in.
The festival will begin with arts and crafts for children and their parents. For about 90 minutes participants will try their hands at paper cutting, making dough figurines, having their faces painted, and calligraphy workshops. There will be entertainment on stage, with the traditional lion dance, folk dances, Shaolin Kung Fu acrobats, and wonderful music ensembles. All the programs are free to the public.
The Winter Garden, World Financial Center is located at 220 Vesey Street in lower Manhattan’s Battery Park City.