NYC’s Art Scene

New York City’s Art scene has always been abuzz. While it has moved throughout different neighborhoods, been gentrified and endured fluctuation, from the old artsy regions of Long Island City and Williamsburg to newer popular spots like Brooklyn and Harlem, NYC has– and always will be – synonymous with art.
Here, we look at some current art-based events currently going on in the hood. You still have a few days to catch Mark Grotjahn’s New Capri at Gagosian which opened at the end of October. New paintings of the artist are presented here, recounting Grotjahn’s abstraction comeback vis-a-vis his Capri paintings.
For those interested in the story of America (with a focus on New York) the New York & The Nation in the Robert H. and Clarice Smith NY Gallery of American History is still being exhibited til the end of this month. There, you will see huge digital screens which displays an uninterrupted slideshow of treasures from the collections of New York’s Historical Society. The visual signage also successfully depicts the depth of these collections.
And for something truly fun and frivolous (with a bit of education thrown in) there is the Mickey Exhibition (The True Original Exhibition of Micky Mouse), marking 90 years of the popular mouse’s influence of art and pop culture.
North America’s first ever full dress retrospective can be found (through January 6th) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Delacroix; a dedication to French Romanticism, featuring close to 150 drawings, paintings and prints. Themes cover: historical battles; kitschy stallions; crucifixes and more.