The Electroacoustic Music Festival Coming in June to NYC

The International Computer Music Conference and New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival is scheduled this year for June 16-23. This unique gathering combines the art and science of making music with computers by hosting panel discussions, workshops, presentation of scholarly papers, and of course, performances.
All week long dozens of papers will be presented at the NYU Education building from 9am to 12pm concerning such issues as: “The Emotional Characteristics of Woodwind Musical Instruments with Different Pitch and Dynamics;” “Bubbles: an object-oriented approach to object-based sound for spatial composition and beyond;” and “IRMA (Interactive Real-time Measurement of Attention). A new method investigating performances of audio-visual computer music.”
Each day there is one panel discussion from 3pm to 4pm on such topics as: “Women in Computer Music;” “Soundscape Heritage;” and “Feedback Musicianship.”
Participants can also join in a large variety of workshops, including: “Computer Aided Design for Prepared Instruments;” “A Suggested Methodology for Composing & Performing Live-Electronics;” and “A Phenomenological Approach to Curating AI Music Composition.”
But of course, most people will come for the amazing performances, featuring the following performers:
• Elenora Claps, soprano
• Enzo Filippetti, saxophone
• Jocelyn Ho, piano
• Esther Lamneck, clarinet and tarogato
And many more.
The festival began in 2009 and is one of the largest festivals like it in the world. Music will be performed using acoustic instruments, laptops and custom-made electronic devices. There are also works featuring digital video and sound installations.
For more information visit New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival.