Burlesque: Alive and Well in the Slipper Room

“The High Rollers Extravaganza Co.: The Great Chariot Race in Bend Her.” Poster for an American burlesque from 1900.
Looking for something a bit different for your date-night? How about trying a little taste of a bygone era when Vaudeville and Burlesque were all the rage?
Founded in 1999 by performer and producer James Habacker, the slipper room is a place where avant-garde performance artists could experiment without fear of being too outrageous, lewd, messy or even illegal. James’ idea was to give performers a space to push themselves as they try out their most fantastic ideas.
It did not take long for the Slipper Room to emerge from relative obscurity to becoming a major player in Manhattan’s downtown theater world and nightlife. Now the show has a reputation as the place to see the most cutting edge performance art; what has become known as New York Burlesque and Variety.
Tickets can be purchased on-line from the Slipper Room’s own website. Shows can be seen 7 days per week, and Variety shows Wednesday through Saturday at 10pm and beyond. The Slipper Room is located at 167 Orchard Street between Rivington and Stanton. The entrance is on Stanton Street.